Thursday, September 29, 2016

The year of Hybrid Media

The year of Hybrid Media
Year 2014 will be remembered for the use of hybrid media. This so far unknown terminology has now been gulped by all media pundits. Mobile telephony, social networking web sites and mobile apps have altered the user psychology.
Email was in fashion till yesterday but in 2014 the use of whatsapp replaced the email use. Communication becomes more fast, effective and flexible. To communicate with someone and to maintain privacy has become possible.
Many google lovers found their new love interest in whatsapp. Anybody and anything could get published in seconds. Youtube created a new platform for videoblogs. Many corporate and advertising agencies have explored it as a different tool.
Personal Public Relations have become a new trend. This swing of change has blessed the fortune of bloggers. Bloggers who were neglected and criticized yesterday today it has become a respectable profession.
Today reporters are considering blog as a source and news channels have noted it seriously. Blog writing has never been a profession in India but now it has become a very specialized field. Copywriters who always been a rare breed in India now suddenly is in demand.
Unfortunately Indian education system is not updated and not ready to digest this change. In a country like India where 687 universities and more than 100 mass communication colleges does exist but no college in India provide a course in blog writing or copywriting.
11,478 news papers and periodicals we have in English in India but we still not serious of usage of English.  Whenever we check in colleges students do not read news paper or they just neglect this habit of reading. Today when we feel the word is coming to an end where people do not read and write but the demand of hybrid media have paved way for all those new and young writers to explore their creativity.
Hybrid media has very niche and specialised target audience they know the cards. It needs writers who are either specialised in travel writing this is one of the best known topics on blog.
Next famous are lifestyle, baby care and health. Music and fashion are the all time favourite topics. Technology from mobile to gigantic machines is also a specially admired topic among youth.
Conventional journalism of news article and news feature or a news story is gone and new light hearted write-up is the in-vogue thing.
Hybrid media cannot replace the conventional media. Editorial and editorial writers hold the flag and their charm will never fade away. This hybrid media is for the on the move people. People who have stuck their life between mobile screen and computer screen, People who believe more on gadgets then their conscious.
These are the days of ‘15 minutes of fame’, life is there even after that and that part of life is not about fame.
Hybrid media has come like a tornado and changed the mood of complete nation. It seems the days of hybrid media are yet to be over. It will be better if media colleges adopt this hybrid media into their curriculum and update their standards.

News stories from news papers and young businessmen will support my view. 

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