Tuesday, October 4, 2016

X-mass Indian way!

X-mass Indian way!
We are known for our diversity in language, culture and festivals, who celebrate festivals on event week and every month.  
In spite of various political parties and eccentric philosophies we grow with the faith we believe. It is really fun to observe the Indian festivals. Indian cinema has recorded many festivals and propagated Indian legacy across borders.  Many literary critics have criticized Indian cinema for becoming only a entertainment chunk. Many neo-learned film critics from regional and state dailies have not left any movie and any star to criticize and tried to weave the thread of yester year culture. 
As we approach the December every school children look forward to meet the Santa Clause and the gifts from parents.  Parents  wait for the X-mass sale as it is the another festival when automobile, garment and consumer goods manufacturers and retailers arrange the year end best offers.  Other than Christian people look forward this season as a holiday period. Schools and colleges are closed and hotel industry, event management industry is in boom for fixing up their venue and getting the biggest star for their promotion.
Advertising industry is busy with creative campaigns. Travel companies get the group booking. All tourist places are filled up with tourists and right from child to old age people enjoy the atmosphere of winter. Elderly people at home enjoy the pickle and spicy food as the winter glides further we even engage in barbeque and campfire activities.  Bakery products like cake and chocolates are the most favorite delicacies for this period.  Parents along with children go crazy for chocolates.  An X-mass cake is another hot favorite of many who have heart for celebration.  All over India Christians comes up with homemade wine. The most famous is ginger wine.  It is very easy, clean and time consuming process.  One would not miss this sweet surprise of Ginger wine in this season.
Greeting card is one of the favorite of children. They make greeting cards send it to their loved ones.  There are many children who write letters to Santa. As they feel Santa will read it. Santa Clause may be a myth but it is engaging children in their fantasy world.  
Film industry is not far behind. Many producers release their film during X-mass.  As it is a prosperous period for every business.  They even struggle to get their release in X-mass.  Everybody from a business tycoon to street vendor everybody find an opportunity to make their fortune. India is a wonderful country where the x-mass is enjoyed by everybody with their own private corner. Everybody becomes a child once again.  
It is not the gimmick of marketing but a simple and clear invitation for celebration and venture where only win-win situation is guarantee.  A festival which brings smile on many faces, there is no need for anybody to check books before celebration.

The wave of brownie and x-mass cakes, chocolates and wine is in the air. Everybody is curious to see the decoration of x-mass and the fun of Santa Claus.  It is different to enjoy X-mass in India than other counterparts of the world where the zeal meets with curiosity fun and celebration.

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