Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Commonly confusing word from Indian English

Commonly confusing word from Indian English

In Indian English we find some peculiarities of confusion between nouns and verbs. While typing on computer people have done away with writing by hand. This technological boom has come with a cost.

The utter confusion between nouns and verbs, the use of correct spelling of words make them work as noun or verb. I have made a small list of them.

Accept means to receive.
Ovi will be happy to accept a gift from a Santa.
Except means to exclude
The hall was full of audience, except the last row.
Advice is a noun.
Trainer gives really apt advice.
Advise is a verb.
Dr Sane advise daily exercise.
Affect is a verb.
This is the Vardha tornado affect to Chennai.
Effect is a noun.
The dark ring in the sky is the effect of eclipse.
Can is used for ability.
He can run the m.
May used for permission.
He may not run in the cross country marathon.
Censor as a verb means to remove or suppress for moral or otherwise.   a noun .
The ADHM film went under censor as it found inappropriate material for audience.
Censure as a verb means to blame or criticize. Censure as a noun is an expression of blame or disapproval.
The nagging problem of pollution is going to censure the industrial carbon level.
Imply means suggest without stating. Infer means draw a conclusion based on evidence.
His greening implied his annoyance. Now I inferred she had purchased the spurious mobile.
Lie means to recline or rest. It does not take an object; It is only an action of the subject. The past tense of the verb lie is lay.
He would lie on grass for hours.
He lay there for 30 minutes.
Nauseous means creating nausea.
The nauseous smell permeated the garage.
Nauseated means enduring nausea.
He was nauseated by the smell of the rotted tomatoes.
Precede - means to go ahead of.
The meeting precedes the dinner.
Proceed - means to go forward.
The rally will proceed towards the town hall.
Raise means to lift; to cause to move upward; to bring up; to increase.
The brave soldier raised the flag.
Rise - to get up; to move or extend upward; to ascend
The sun will rise tomorrow on wheat field.
Prices rose after demonetization.
To set is to place or put.
Did you set your files?
To sit is to be seated.
Do you sit in office for 8 hours?
Cite means to mention.
One must cite the sources in news.
Site is a location of construction or venue
The police went to the disaster site.
Sight is the ability to see or a view.
His sight is blocked by the trees.
Pune from Parvati hill is a good sight.

I am sure this will help you, do let me know if you like it. 

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