Friday, November 11, 2016

Donald Trump – Socio-Psycho-Political Analysis

Donald Trump – Socio-Psycho-Political Analysis

Donald Trump won the US elections but people from across US have come on the streets for protest. It is the point of much great importance which raised the questions like, how Donald Trump has won. What was the ‘Trump Card’?
I churned out many dailies and stating some for the references in this article. It is worth noting the people’s anger every press has put in their headline.  
Thousands of anti-Trump protesters take to streets of US cities ----by Reuters
'Not my president:' Trump denounced in protests across America ----By ASSOCIATED PRESS
US elections: protests held against president-elect – as it happened----By The Guardian
BATTLEGROUND AMERICA -- Donald Trump’s US presidential election win sparks riots by Hillary Clinton fans as fighting erupts outside the White House ---By The Sun
“Not my president!” President-elect Donald Trump inspires walkouts, protests in major cities---- By Salon
"He's not my President": Americans distance themselves from Donald Trump as he wins US election ----By Mirror
‘Not my president’: Thousands protest Trump in rallies across the U.S. ---By The Washington Post
Trump win prompts big protest & Donald Trump Playboy to President ----By The Asian Age
The Free Press Journal flashed the headline – Hilary Trumped
After reading various news papers across glob I stumbled upon the The Free Press Journal it is the only daily from India who separately work on headline. They are world famous for this practice since their inception.
This has made me think seriously about US Society and their psychology. How can they say that? Why Trump has got mandate? Is it the case only in US? How many other countries that are facing the same destiny?
Let us see the definition of society given by different sociologist, how do they see ‘society and religion’
Emile Durkheim talk on society and religion’,  "A religion is a unified system of beliefs and practices relative to sacred things, that is to say, things set apart and forbidden – beliefs and practices which unite into one single moral community called a Church, all those who adhere to them."
Georg Simmel very subtly mentions on ‘society and religion’, The ambiguity which surrounds the origin and nature of religion will never be removed so long as we insist upon approaching the problem as one for which a single word will be the "open sesame."
Ferdinand Gesellschaft describes associations between ‘society and religion’ as,  for the individual, the larger association never takes precedence over their own self interest, and these associations lack the same level of shared social mores”
Thorstein  Veblen is best known for his book ‘The Theory of the Leisure Class’, which talked about “conspicuous consumption” (consumption is done to make a statement to others about one’s class or accomplishments). 
Veblen rejected both the individual and society in social science. Veblen expressed an evolutionary framework of explanation along Darwinian lines.
Veblen did not deny that a human as 'a social being' or 'a medium for the transmission of social laws and changes'. He simply rejected an exclusive stress on social determination, and asserted that the human agent is 'also an individual, acting out his own life as such’. He always say, “humans mould their circumstances just as they are molded by them.” Veblen followed James and saw Darwinism as implying that 'habit and native propensity, rather than rational calculation of material interest, motivated human beings writes in his book, ‘Thorstein Veblen's evolutionary economics’.
Veblen says, “Utilitarian and hedonistic explanations of human behavior had to be rejected, in part because they did not contain an evolutionary explanation of the origin of the assumed behavioral characteristics”.
Max Weber defines, “secular society was created from, and is still "haunted by the ghosts of dead religious beliefs".
This is a complex affair to understand each society and their individual’s separately on micro level but on macro level we can evaluate the socio-political scenario. 9/11, Iraq war and Afghanistan war has changed the social psychological set up of each individual.
Last decade when mobile telephony is launched we felt connected to each other.  Internet revolution joined the world together and we started thinking that we are global citizens and we have overcome all the barriers of color, creed and race.
The easily available media became our extensions; Marshal Mc Luhan gave the theory of relativity.  My email id, my email replaced my presence, my mobile number replaced my visiting card, my twitter post replaced me in the meeting, skype discarded the need for travel and altered the time and space.  Conventional media went under a sea change. All American action movies and European Bond films showcased the antagonist of Muslim origin. Soon this is followed in movies, literature, press and poetry all over the world.
The economical progress after WWII started declining, may it be the Chinese crisis, US crisis, Indian economic troubles, Russian recession, or current European Union crisis. The rich poor divide is increased and world started polarizing over religion.
Donald Trump did not have miracle win, it is much expected as far the international socio-political emotions are concerned.
Let us take the look at the recent socio-political developments across the globe. Things started to roll from ‘Jasmin Revolution’ it started in Tunisia and spread across the Arab world. It started in January 2011, the BBC reported: "Clearly the self-immolation of Mohamed Bouazizi has resonated across the region...'There is great interest. The Egyptian people and the Egyptian public have been following the events in Tunisia with so much joy, since they can draw parallels between the Tunisian situation and their own.'" This message is spread through social media across the globe.
It triggered similar protests in almost all Arab countries like Morocco, Iraq, Gabon, Albania, Iran, Kazakhstan, United States, India and others. It resulted in throwing down the established government of Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak, Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, Syria   of President Bashar al-Assad and it gave rise to the militant group ISIS, This revolution caused major protests Yemen, Bahrain.
It reflected in India through Anna Hazare protest against Corruption (Lokpal Bill) and RTI.
We find a similar trend in Europe, to site a few examples, Brexit the win of cultural centric ideology, France President Nicolas Sarkozy lost to Socialist Francois Hollande.  China and Russia are not untouched of this development but they have reacted in different manner.
All over the world we see some common developments they are as follow,
1.     The rising gap between rich and poor
2.     The decrease in jobs
3.     Unemployment
4.     Unemployable graduates
5.     Under employed staff
6.     Lure of social media and unstable emotions
7.     Fear of existence, loneliness and fear  for future
8.     Uncertainty
9.     Lust over love
10.                        Greed of power over knowledge

These developments lead us to fanaticism and it resulted in bewilder behavior. Donald Trump is the outcome this. 

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