Tuesday, October 9, 2018


Today when news flashed the leading investigative journalist Viktoria Marinova, worked for broadcaster TVN. It is a small time broadcasting company. I see the courage at the age of 30, who had the iron heart to enter into investigative journalism. Latey Marinova anchored the program "Detector" on TVN, where she interviewed two journalists who were investigating alleged corruption involving European Union funds. She is left with young daughter.
The courageous journalist is yet another example of devout journo who fought for right over wrong. Viktoria Marinova stood tall into her shoes and blew whistle, she wield her pen. Corruption is an epidemic which spreading across the globe.
It is alarming to know, since last year Three journalists have been killed in the EU.
Caruana Galizia was killed in a car bombing in October in Malta. Her widely-read blog accused top politicians of corruption.
Jan Kuciak was murdered in Slovakia in February. Jan Kuciak and Martina Kusnirova were shot dead in February in what was the first targeted killing of a reporter in the country's history. His murder changed the ruling government
When I teach journalism, many students who come and ask me, what we will get into return?  I will tell you, it is the gratitude of millions you get in return. It is one of the most responsible careers. Every one works in the world for only money. In due course it becomes a routine. A journalist kicks the dusk, starts the day before everyone else and hit the office every day with a new zeal. It is the passion to do something for society, there are millions who are marginalized, and there are millions who are displaced out of development. The pivotal issues of environment, epidemics, poverty, job generation, crime and the most important the life is chosen by journalist.
It is only a journalist who writes on books, music, drama, cinema, art, business, sports and entertainment. It is a journalist who enlightens the world with all the reality around. It is a journalist who works as a guardian to millions and offer hopes to many. If being good is crime, if being honest is yield death. Then tell me what you to be? Writing and singing gave Bob Dylan a Nobel. A journalist is the person who life on their own terms. It is not the money that matters what matters is what you do to earn it. Which other profession offers a charm, courage, freedom and might?  
I have seen generations who has lived with pen and lived with dignity. It is not difficult to earn as the latest report says, there are only 0.03% teacher who are proficient to teach how to wield a pen. There are millions of jobs into AI development and automation drive of industry 4.0 for journalists. There are jobs but there are takers. As we heading towards information society the boundaries of countries are getting dissolve.

The dream of Che Guevara and Viktoria Marinova will soon be true as whole world will be united over journalism.  

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