Wednesday, June 7, 2017

World's Biggest Man Made Famine unfold in Bitter Harvest film

World's Biggest Man Made Famine unfold in Bitter Harvest film 
Bitter Harvest narrates the saga of devastating famine of Josef Stalin 1930s era in Ukrain. Film becomes more interesting when it narrates the story of characters; director takes us close to their aspirations, dreams and reality.
Ukrain is the border nation for German and Russians. What we read in press about red revolution of 1930s which is glorified by films such as October, Battleship of Potemkin. We forget how Stalin had already set for mass-murder by deliberate starvation of millions of Ukrainians.
Today Ukrain being the eastern European country does not get space in news paper. If you are a world cinema student and enthusiast or may be a social, political or Mass Communication expert do watch the film and you will see how your perception about communism changes. We do not find any difference of fascism and communism. It is one of the most overlooked tragedies of the 20th Century, BITTER HARVES
The film is based on real life history from Soviet-era man-made famine that killed millions of Ukrainians in the 1930s. More than 3.5 million people died, some say 10 million.
We follow tepid love story between Yuri and his childhood sweetheart, Natalka (Samantha Barks). Directed showcased the armed struggle by kulaks and their sympathizers.
Bitter Harvest is a film which talks about the social and political turmoil and its roots deeply engulfed in corruption, politics and communism. 1930 is known for the year of economic depression and biggest man made famine. Ukraine is the newly joined part to USSR and how the biggest man made famine is created is depicted in the film. Indian audience can relate this film as the story progresses with the love story of the characters. The literature students will relish it with span of time shown from the birth of child to their love and mature years. Historical scholars and political pundits will like this film as it takes us close to the people of Ukraine.  

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